Player Select Screen


Arcade (console resolution)
PC Engine
Mega Drive
Super Famicom

The PC Engine port is the closest to the Arcade version, with it's matching background and 1P/2P shadow colors, shaded PLAYER SELECT logo and selected player's country frame. The 1P/2P font of the Mega Drive port is the most similar to the Arcade's. The Super Famicom version's map has the most Arcade faithful coloring, but the screen is letterboxed.


PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive

The PC Engine and Super Famicom versions appear to have the same amount of shading, but the Mega Drive version has noticibly less. The PC Engine version has much more vibrant colors, followed by the Mega Drive version.










The PC Engine version has the most vibrant color overall with the Super Famicom and Mega Drive versions appearing more washed out, as though the brightness/contrast ratio has been altered. The Mega Drive version has extended artwork for Sagat and Dhalsim and Ken's eyes. Otherwise the Mega Drive version is missing some shading/detail in places.




VS Screen


PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive

This background has the same attributes as the Player Select Screen. The PC Engine background shade is similar to the Arcade and the Super Famicom version is letterboxed. The Super Famicom version has the most shading on the VS logo and the PC Engine version uses different colors than the Arcade.






PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive


PC Engine
Super Famicom
Mega Drive


The PC Engine port is the only version that has a blue shadow for the white text. The PC Engine and Arcade versions have the same amount of shading for the CONTINUE font. The Super Famicom version has the same letterboxed blue background from it's player select screen. The Mega Drive version is the only port with the animated portraits from the Arcade.





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